Monday, September 13, 2010

HR managers

I was just sitting around and getting bored so just googled for "something interesting".
The first link was :

But that could not really make me laugh because of the mathematical error in the calculation of the HR manager.
How can one just divide number of days by 3 and then keep on reducing whole days from the remaining.
I guess it's effect of the MBA entrance preparations or may be frustration of the job I left, but  I seriously get confused about how these HR managers work.
I used to think they are just so much dumb that they don't understand things/situation.
But after reading the above mentioned article I am sure that they are smarter in a sense that  they are good at confusing you and keep yo entangled with such issues when we go to them . So the "bechara" guy who already is burdened with lots of work gets sick of these games and opts for let-the-things-be-as-they-are.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


My first blog

We do a lot of things for first time. So, here I am, writing my first blog, without a clue about what I am going to write about.
Friends, today is friendship day! You all are my motivation to start writing. I read your blogs, and I enjoy reading them!
That's all for now..
A very happy f'ship day to you all!

P.S.: As I am new this field/community, please suggest how can I use my blog.