Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Invitation from Hrushikesh to join


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– Hrushikesh


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Monday, August 8, 2011


We strive to align all our action in order to achieve our goals.We really strive for it. But then there is this obstacle very strong than any other which takes us away from the line of action. This obstacle is something far more interesting, keeps you involved-engulfed that you forget about the "plan". This obstacle if seen as an opportunity, makes no sense as the outcome of the activity wrt to our goal is minuscule compared to the massive amount of time it consumes. Then why do we go after it? Simple- because that gives you the "sense of achievement" in shorter period and keeps your hopes alive.
All of us know that this short term S-O-A is taking you away from your long term goals. But then if you know it, why do we deviate?
Is that because we don't care?
If we don't care, then what are we doing now? Isn't that caring? Then what stops us?
Or  is it because the long term goal we have planned is not what we really want?
Do you know what you really want out of your life?

Monday, September 13, 2010

HR managers

I was just sitting around and getting bored so just googled for "something interesting".
The first link was :

But that could not really make me laugh because of the mathematical error in the calculation of the HR manager.
How can one just divide number of days by 3 and then keep on reducing whole days from the remaining.
I guess it's effect of the MBA entrance preparations or may be frustration of the job I left, but  I seriously get confused about how these HR managers work.
I used to think they are just so much dumb that they don't understand things/situation.
But after reading the above mentioned article I am sure that they are smarter in a sense that  they are good at confusing you and keep yo entangled with such issues when we go to them . So the "bechara" guy who already is burdened with lots of work gets sick of these games and opts for let-the-things-be-as-they-are.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


My first blog

We do a lot of things for first time. So, here I am, writing my first blog, without a clue about what I am going to write about.
Friends, today is friendship day! You all are my motivation to start writing. I read your blogs, and I enjoy reading them!
That's all for now..
A very happy f'ship day to you all!

P.S.: As I am new this field/community, please suggest how can I use my blog.